Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Shenpa Syndrome

On June 24, 2010 we met to discuss The Shenpa Syndrome. Paul led the discussion. We utilized a writing of Pema Chodran's from her website. The discussion was active as usual. All the attendees recognized the feeling of shenpa, the sticky, gut feeling when we are criticized, or otherwise affected in a negative way. We feel a closing, a defensive stance, and then this can deteriorate further to low self esteem, self denigration, and/or blame and anger at the other. We can also recognize shenpa in another during our interpersonal relationships. The trick is how to deal with shenpa in others and in ourselves and stop it before it cycles downward into a cacophony of negative feelings. The article offers some very practical ways to block this feeling, to avoid getting so hooked by these negative feelings, to keep ourselves open and compassionate and help others do the same. Click on "Read More" below to read the article.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Healing Prayer Service for the Gulf, Jean Hausman. Article by David Spangler on the Gulf

     We were to have a Healing Prayer Service for Todd, but he couldn't be present. Therefore Jean led us in guided prayer for the Gulf.

     First, she passed around photos of ice crystals from various forms of water from badly polluted to crystal clear. Photographs of the water crystals over time demonstrated an effect of prayer on those waters as well, making the crystals more as they should appear, like snow flakes. Following is the web address for these photos:  http://www.wellnessgoods.com/messages.asp. If you didn't have time to peruse this handout at the meeting, view it at this website. The concept is very interesting.

Photo of water, Fujiwara Dam before prayer                      Fujiwara Dam water, after prayer


 Then we took turns reading the following article by David Spangler, posted on his blog. David Spangler was a founding member of the Findborn Foundation, a Scottich charitable trust which formed one of the largest communes in Britain which was started in the 1970s to attempt as a community to practice spirituality in every day life. This was a group of people who believed that plant growth could be influenced by earth consciousness. They practiced organic gardening and positive thinking methods applied to all forms of daily life. The ecovillage still associated with this Foundation has approximately 3000 people living and working there from all over the world. The Foundation supports many educational opportunities on site and conferences. The Findhorn Ecovillage is intended to be a tangible demonstration of the links between the spiritual, social, ecological, and economic aspects of life.

      Jean led us in guided prayer taking all the following article into consideration. It was very moving; I had tears in my eyes.

Click below to see the entire article by David Spangler that we read at the June 21 meeting.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Schedule for Near Future, SpiritMindBody Group

Schedule for Spirit Mind Body Group Meetings: June - August 2010

June 17, 2010: Jean Hausman, Healing Prayer Service
June 24, 2010: Paul Norton, Shempa                            
                         July 1, 2010: Gunther Pohlmann Society, his article discussion            
 July 8, 2010: Presentation of Nostalgic Antique Toys,  
Home of Ann Selzer, maps to follow.
July 15, 2010: Chuck O'Keefe                                       
July 22, 2010: Jean Hausman, Report on conference     
she attended.
July 29, 2010: Gunther Pohlmann Society meeting         
August 5, 2010: Bake Off                                                
August 19, 2010: Tim, Job Flow                                     

Impromptu BakeOff, June 10, 2010

     I learned when I came to this meeting, the first for me in 6 weeks, that I was supposed to be presenting my antique toys. Unfortunately I did not know about this change on the schedule. I had thought I was doing that June 24.

     But we decided to have an impromptu Bake Off today which turned out very open and very laid back. Following are some of the ideas discussed. We also sort of made up a new schedule because of this unplanned change today.  There was an interest to come to the author's home to view the antique toys; we will do that on July 8. Please see the planned schedule in the next posting.

Quantam Mechanics as a Metaphor for the Search for Meaning by Gary Schnell.

 I was so sorry to miss these discussions of this particular topic. This blog author has been reading (or attempting to read) various physicist authors writing about quantam applications to spirituality and the cosmos. Some of these readable authors such as Amit Gaswami PhD, physicist, have captured my scientific mind and have provided a way for me to get my mind around the idea of life after death, and transcendence. Some of Gaswami's books are: The Quantum Doctor, The Visionary Window, The Self-Aware Universe, The Physics of the Soul, and Science and Spirituality, a Quantum Integration.
Amit Goswami, PhD is professor emeritus in the physics department of the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon where he has taught since 1968. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called science within consciousness.
     I understand that the group spent several weeks discussing the following presentation by Gary Schnell. I have included his notes for your records and your perusal if you did not get them at the meeting.

     He is using the book, Quantum Theology by Diarmuid O'Murcha. Read on for more information about this author's ideas.

Bake Off on May 6, 2010

Your blog author is back on duty again, following a 3.5 week trip to Eastern Europe and then surgery to remove a malignant melanoma from my arm. I am doing fine now and am most likely cured as evidenced by the depth of the lesion and negative sentinel node biopsy. But what a scare! Am still examining exactly what is to be gained spiritually and emotionally by this experience. I haven't decided yet, but will keep you posted.
     I am trying to catch up with the blog to the extent that I can, having not been at 5 meetings myself.
Regarding the Bake Off discussion of May 6, Sharleen Leonard sent me and several others a website which contains introductory audio messages by Jerry and Esther Hicks about the Abraham tapes. These are introductory messages mostly narrated by Jerry Hicks about his spiritual searching and some experiences he had in his searches. I have just started to listen to these messages. Apparently they have been circulating on the Internet since about 1986. Abraham is the word used to symbolize or represent messages that have come to various individuals during their spiritual searchings. The word Abraham in this context has come to represent a feeling of transcendence or enlightenment, or knowledge that seems to come over one from outside or seemingly from another dimension. In the beginning the audios sound a little like channeling but I plan to listen to them all and see what is there. If anyone is interested, the website is http://www.abraham-hicks.com/. You can listen to as many of the separate audios as you want.
      Does anyone recall anything else that as discussed at that Bake Off. If so enter your additions into the comments.