Dr. Todd D again presented some videos of the famous psychoanalyst Dr. Carl Rogers treating a patient.
First here is the YouTube video of this treatment. Portions of it were considered during this weekly meeting of the Spirit Mind Body Group.
Part I -- Gloria Part I -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBkUqcqRChg
Part II -- Gloria Part II -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m30jsZx_Ngs
First here is the YouTube video of this treatment. Portions of it were considered during this weekly meeting of the Spirit Mind Body Group.
Part I -- Gloria Part I -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBkUqcqRChg
Part III -- Gloria Part III -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX_Y3zUPzEo
After viewing the tapes and during it there were discussion by the group.
Todd and others presented some background on Carl Rogers and how he listens and treats people psychologically. He basically uses 5 maneuvers:
a. suggestion
b. manipulation
c. abreaction (Abreaction is a psychoanalytical term for reliving an experience in order to purge it of its emotional excesses; a type of catharsis. Sometimes it is a method of becoming conscious of repressed traumatic events.)
d. clarification
e. interpretation
Dr. Rogers follows the words, the action and the affect of the patient to guide his therapy, but the affect is the most important. In the case of children, there is an auxiliary superego which affects the treatment. Kids sort of ask and determine their response in treatment by asking subconsciously "What is it you wish I would say to you?" You must keep this in mind.
Carl Rogers was initially trained in the ministry, starting in New York. He exhibits unconditional positive regard. He is truly focused in the moment during this therapy. Therefore his treatment is not totally a maneuver or technique because in the case of using a technique, it is much more difficult to be in the moment. It's almost like it is a psychological dance. Listening develops the feedback. Rogers takes the correction from the patients.But during treatment a patient comes to a point where he begins mentalizing. Also the narcissist may ride this style of therapy all day long, non stop because all the attention is to "my" feelings.
Todd clarified some issues about Rogerian therapy. He said the present basis of analysis is Rogerian, but this style was previously held in contempt. Rogers was clearly seductive in this tape of Gloria's therapy. The view of how to get out of analysis from the patient's point of view, was to achieve "ones up man ship " with the analyst. During this treatment video of Gloria, she wants our of her conflict. She says, "I hate lying; I want to be more honest." Rogers then does clarification, one of the steps listed at the beginning. He says, "You like yourself better when you are truthful?" This helps Gloria to self define. Rogers basically believes 1, we are good, and 2. we have a natural tendency to develop.
There was some discussion of how treatment of children differs and what affect this auxiliary superego has on the treatment. There is obviously a need to set boundaries for children. Do we need to tell children the sexual truths of life and how toxic this world is to children. We need wisdom in setting these boundaries. Maybe some of these discussions can be postponed. "When you are 18 we will discuss this again." Is there an urgency to discuss this early. Yet some children in Milwaukee are getting raped at age 9 years old, so these "children" know about the toxic side of sex. Wisdom needs to be used in determining who and when these discussions should take place. One member commented that our kids know that adults don't always tell the complete truth, and for the most part they don't hold this against their adult parents and mentors. Look at Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for example. We deceive our children until they are 7 or 8 years old and for the most part children accept this when they learn the truth and turn around an participate in this deception for their younger siblings and later for their own children.
So it appears in summary, that Rogers' technique is to listen to all the words, ideas, body language etc, but also to focus on Gloria's affects and then speak to those and then listen some more. Another way to looks at this is that he ave, that is alternately applies primarily 2 of the 5 modalities listed above, basically abreaction and clarification. It has been found that interpretation is much less useful.
Thank you to Todd for leading us in this discussion and to Dick for his notes on the discussion which were used by the author to recreate this meeting.
After viewing the tapes and during it there were discussion by the group.
Todd and others presented some background on Carl Rogers and how he listens and treats people psychologically. He basically uses 5 maneuvers:
a. suggestion
b. manipulation
c. abreaction (Abreaction is a psychoanalytical term for reliving an experience in order to purge it of its emotional excesses; a type of catharsis. Sometimes it is a method of becoming conscious of repressed traumatic events.)
d. clarification
e. interpretation
Dr. Rogers follows the words, the action and the affect of the patient to guide his therapy, but the affect is the most important. In the case of children, there is an auxiliary superego which affects the treatment. Kids sort of ask and determine their response in treatment by asking subconsciously "What is it you wish I would say to you?" You must keep this in mind.
Carl Rogers was initially trained in the ministry, starting in New York. He exhibits unconditional positive regard. He is truly focused in the moment during this therapy. Therefore his treatment is not totally a maneuver or technique because in the case of using a technique, it is much more difficult to be in the moment. It's almost like it is a psychological dance. Listening develops the feedback. Rogers takes the correction from the patients.But during treatment a patient comes to a point where he begins mentalizing. Also the narcissist may ride this style of therapy all day long, non stop because all the attention is to "my" feelings.
Todd clarified some issues about Rogerian therapy. He said the present basis of analysis is Rogerian, but this style was previously held in contempt. Rogers was clearly seductive in this tape of Gloria's therapy. The view of how to get out of analysis from the patient's point of view, was to achieve "ones up man ship " with the analyst. During this treatment video of Gloria, she wants our of her conflict. She says, "I hate lying; I want to be more honest." Rogers then does clarification, one of the steps listed at the beginning. He says, "You like yourself better when you are truthful?" This helps Gloria to self define. Rogers basically believes 1, we are good, and 2. we have a natural tendency to develop.
There was some discussion of how treatment of children differs and what affect this auxiliary superego has on the treatment. There is obviously a need to set boundaries for children. Do we need to tell children the sexual truths of life and how toxic this world is to children. We need wisdom in setting these boundaries. Maybe some of these discussions can be postponed. "When you are 18 we will discuss this again." Is there an urgency to discuss this early. Yet some children in Milwaukee are getting raped at age 9 years old, so these "children" know about the toxic side of sex. Wisdom needs to be used in determining who and when these discussions should take place. One member commented that our kids know that adults don't always tell the complete truth, and for the most part they don't hold this against their adult parents and mentors. Look at Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for example. We deceive our children until they are 7 or 8 years old and for the most part children accept this when they learn the truth and turn around an participate in this deception for their younger siblings and later for their own children.
So it appears in summary, that Rogers' technique is to listen to all the words, ideas, body language etc, but also to focus on Gloria's affects and then speak to those and then listen some more. Another way to looks at this is that he ave, that is alternately applies primarily 2 of the 5 modalities listed above, basically abreaction and clarification. It has been found that interpretation is much less useful.
Thank you to Todd for leading us in this discussion and to Dick for his notes on the discussion which were used by the author to recreate this meeting.
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