Tuesday, July 7, 2015

May 21, 2015: Gary S:"A Change of Heart."

     This week we are fortunate to have Gary S. present a review of a book which he found quite stimulating. "A Change of Heart, A Memoir" by Sylvia and Novak  portrays many anecdotes, comments, narratives, and the study by the author of the effects of particularly a heart transplant on the behavior of the recipient. Gary provided us with a very nice summary of this book. It is an easy read and some of the experiences are quite astounding. Of course, at this point the field of medicine purports no exact understanding to explaain many of these anecdotes and experiences.    

     Here is a link to a very nice summary of this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syncretism

     After some discussion, Gary proceeded to explain these behavior changes as an energy phenomenon. He also feels that possibly there is an explanation in the theory of information spaces in our universe which would help us know why a heart transplant patient who always ate extraordinarily healthily would recover from his transplant only to find that he had an irresistible hunger for chicken McNuggets. Indeed, uneaten chicken McNuggets were found in the donor's pocket after an auto accident.

     Check this site in the near future for an update of our discussion.

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