Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Happiness Hypothesis Session 3

     On February 25, group discussion, led by Gary, was extensive about Chapter 7 The Uses of Adversity and Chapter 8 The Felicity of Virtue. Read on for a synopsis of these two chapters. It was decided to include Chapter 9 Divinity With or Without God on March 11 with Richard guiding us. On March 4, we will have our monthly BakeOff.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What is Heart Math?

We have some new members and at a couple of our recent discussions the topic of Heart Math came up briefly. I thought some brief explanation of this technique might be in order for our new members and to re-enforce its theory for old members. If you want to learn more on Heart Math, click on Read More below.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Near future Schedule:

February 25, 2010    The Happiness Hypothesis  by Jonathan Haidt.  Session 3. Sharleen presents        Chapters 7-10.

March 4, 2010          Bake Off

March 11, 2010        The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. Session 4. Chapters 11 & 12.

The Happiness Hypothesis, Session 2

     On February 18, 2010, Dave led a discussion of Chapters 4-6 of The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. The group consensus was that these three chapters were the meat of the book so far, but particularly Chapter 5. If a person were to just pick out one chapter to read in this book, Chapter 5 would be it. But first let's summarize Chapter 4.

More about Jonathan Haidt

    Click Read More below to learn more about the author of The Happiness Hypothesis and what he is doing today. Also follow links to apply some of the proposals put forth in the book to your own job, your own life, and your state of "flourishing."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

     Our group will be studying the book, The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt for the next 3 weeks.
     On Thursday, Feb 11 Todd  presented the first three chapters for discussion.

     Click on the light grey "Read More" below for a summary of the 2/11 discussion.

Introduction to Our Group

Whether beautifully slow, gentle and steady,

Or tumultuous and powerful,

May our group support your spiritual journey always accommodating and encouraging learning and advancement during your sojourn in this world.

     The Spirit Mind Body Group of Milwaukee, WI formed in 1991 after several founding members, physicians at Columbia Hospital, decided that both spirit and mind were under considered and unintegrated with much of biological medicine. Through the influence of this early group, speakers were invited to present to the physicians at Columbia hospital, Jerry Jampolski MD in 1992 and Herbert Benson MD in 1996, both funded by Columbia Hospital. As time passed, the group has shifted back and forth and now is not directly related to Columbia Hospital. Members tend to stay unless they develop conflicts with the meeting time or move out of town. This means that members obtain gratification, knowledge, instruction, and spiritual expansion from the group meetings.

     I would characterize our group and our meeting topics as eclectic under a broad spiritual umbrella. Our group consists of our leader a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist; his wife and office manager;  Guiding Instructor of the Milwaukee Mindfulness Center and a pediatrician; two internists; another psychiatrist; a Catholic priest; behavioral and childrens' therapists; former teachers; a consultant on legacy wills; an industrial psychologist; former hospital Jewish chaplain; a cardiologist who was active in the development and now teaches HeartMath widely; instructors in Tai Chi, walking meditation, spiritual movement; an artist; an energy therapist; students of various spiritual traditions, and just in general many seekers. I did not intend to individually and personally identify each member, but if there is anyone who wants more specific information here, please email me. Further identification of members will hopefully come with the maturation of this weblog.

     Meeting time: Thursday mornings: Meditation at 7:40 AM
                                                         Presentation/discussion 8-9 AM
     Pastries and Coffee served before the presentation.

     Meeting place: Milwaukee Mindfulness Practice Center
                            1922 E. Park Place
                            Milwaukee, WI 53211 (between Murray and Cramer)

                            Phone: (414) 962-8678

     Cost: free. A donation basket is present to allow members to help defer costs to the Mindfulness Center.

     Schedule: First Thursday of the month, unless otherwise scheduled, Bake Off is held.
     Members bring pieces of information that pertain to spirituality, or happiness, or in general to furthering the members understanding of the world and our place in it.
                   Fifth Thursday when it occurs: Meeting of the Gunther Pohlman Society in memory of our former and founding member, Gunther Pohlman. Sometimes his writings are discussed. His family members may be present. Or we just imagine what Gunther would have said about a topic of discussion.

                  Other Thursdays: Members take responsibility of doing a presentation or leading a discussion that are loosely scheduled. Such topics might include a religious principle, sacred writings, a spiritual tradition, a new way to meditate, a book, or an article that fits the requirements. A member may just lead a discussion on such a topic.

     Over the years we have done such things as learn HeartMath (google HeartMath); make an art project of paper clips in a box, supervised by our artist member; contemplate some old music magazines from the early 20th century; discuss the current local repertory play with an actor present; learn what Flow is according to author Mihalyi Czikcentmihalyi, look at artistic prints done by artist Alex Grey (google Alex Grey); view a representation of the Dinner Party, an installation by artist Judy Chicago (google Judy Chicago); view photographs that one of our members has taken; travel to spiritual places all over the world via a travelog retreat showing such slides; listen to a talk on emotions and where they come from; and much more. As you can see the topics are varied, and disucssions produce magic.